Saturday, July 29, 2006

High, Bob

My friend Zach in DCish suggested here that I link to video from a Jeopardy winner. I like it, Z, but I got one better...

The Price is Right played host to one of the greatest subversive moments in game show history when Evan Gatti made it onto Bidding Row and bid 420. Repeatedly. Who knows if Bob Barker knew the herbal connotations, but the audience clearly did, giving him bigger and bigger cheers - check out the two guys behind Gatti's left shoulder.

If you don't have the patience to sit through the show, the bids happen at :39, 1:54, and 3:14.

By the way, here's a great Bob Barker quote, when Larry King asked him what he looked for in a model, other than the obvious:

"Well, obviously, they have to be very attractive physically. They have to look smashing in a swimsuit. And we would like to have them be bright and able to make a refrigerator come alive for you."

May you all have someone to make a refrigerator come alive for you today.

1 comment:

Squelch said...

Yeah, I had to visit Wikipedia, so I think Bob was clueless...