Monday, July 17, 2006

The Hardest Working Man in Show Business

Turn on my VCR
Same one I've had for years
James Brown on the T.A.M.I. Show
Same tape I've had for years

--The Police, "When The World Is Running Down"

I stopped reading Rolling Stone about a decade ago, after it had turned into Entertainment Biweekly. But my friend John in LA told me I needed to read their recent piece on James Brown. I found it here, discovered it was a Jonathan Lethem piece, and went on to really enjoy it. So, in thanks to John, today I'm showing Mr. Please Please Please himself, Soul Brother Number One, Mr. James Brown in 1964, performing "Night Train" at the T.A.M.I. Show.

The band's fantastic - I love how they absolutely slam to a halt. But the wonder here, of course, is the man himself, working both the crowd and his legs into a delirious frenzy.

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