Sunday, July 15, 2007

A-huntin' we will go *BLAM!*

One good thing about 100 best lists is that they can introduce you to things you'd never heard of before. That happened to me back in the day when Entertainment Weekly, I think it was, had a 100 best movies list that included two Preston Sturges films in the top 20. I watched and appreciated Sullivan's Travels, but it was The Palm Beach Story that I really enjoyed. Joel McCrea and Claudette Colbert are the divorcing couple who are meant to stay together, and oh what adventures they have as they figure that out.

Such as this one.

The Ale & Quail Club is a group of boozers that take Claudette under her wing on a train trip, somewhat to her chagrin. Some of the humor is a little dated, as you'll see, but there's an energy here that never gets old.

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